Nordic Edge Expo 2022
10.5.2022 – 11.5.2022 Stavanger
The 8th leading Nordic event for future cities and communities will be a physical event in the city centre of Stavanger. Co-organisers from the heart of European legislation, Brussels, across the Nordics and beyond will share insight and discuss topics about city- and business development to achieve UN targets for climate-neutral cities within 2030.
What the Flying…?! Introducing air mobility to cities
What are the risks of drones’ and aircrafts’ starting to appear as a potential transport mode over cities? In this session, you will hear from municipalities, drone operators, and research centres how they set up the right conditions for experimentation, what they design and test, and what results they obtain.
Advisor Philip Durnford from the City of Stavanger will represent AiRMOUR in the workshop.
Hosted by: POLIS Network, AiRMOUR, TindAIR and USEPE
Time: 11 May 2022 at 14:00 – 15:30
Location: Conference room: Bjelland, Hotel Victoria, Skansegata 1, Stavanger, Norway
For the whole programme of Nordic Edge Expo 2022 and registration, go to