Discover the transformative potential of UAM through the lens of Europe’s three leading RDI projects!

Results from AiRMOUR, AURORA and Flying Forward 2020

Date: 22.11.2023
Time: 9:00AM – 5:00 PM (CET)
Location: European Convention Centre, 4 Place d’Europe, Luxembourg



LuxMobility in partnership with EUROCONTOL will hold a 1,5 day masterclass to bring together learners on the AiRMOUR training curriculum and interested stakeholders to build their knowledge on the topic of Urban air Mobility use cases focusing on European cities.

Location and date

  • Event to be held at: EUROCONTROL’s Aviation Learning Centre, Luxembourg.
  • Date: 23–24 November 2023.
  • All candidates will receive a certificate of attendance.
  • Register here.



The objectives of the 1,5 day training for participants are as follows: 

  • Understand how to engage with citizens in your city on the topic of UAM and the current public opinion on this topic​.
  • Describe how UAM operations can be incorporated into policies, such as SUMPs in your city.
  • Describe a plausible business model for UAM services.
  • Know the steps for arranging a UAM EMS demonstration in your city and Identify which stakeholders should be involved in discussions on the development of UAM.

AiRMOUR Masterclass Overview

In order to increase the knowledge level on Urban Air mobility in different aspects Luxmobility will organise a 1,5-day masterclass with subject matter experts such as city representatives and project partners, ideally, also external speakers with expertise in this area from replicator city authorities, UAM industry and the medical sector. Speakers and agenda TBA later.

The masterclass will focus on opportunities and the challenges for integrating UAM drone services for cities/urban areas within the existing transport modes. After the presentations from different speakers there will be an interactive panel discussion and Q&A session.


This masterclass is free of charge.


The European AiRMOUR project researches how emergency medical services could be supported by drones. Smaller drones carrying medical equipment or larger drones carrying medical specialists can be beneficial in many ways, but also create challenges. 

To validate our research, demonstrate the possibilities and start the discussions, AiRMOUR now brings a Roadshow to 4 cities in Europe. The lifesaving drones are coming!


7–8 March 2023
The event language is English.

As part of the AiRMOUR Roadshow 2023, the North Hesse use case will be presented in Kassel on March 7 and 8. On the first day, the demonstration day with validation and demonstration of a transport drone will take place at the pathological Institute of Kassel. On 8th March, we will discuss how UAM aerial vehicles can be incorporated into medical services and integration into the urban mobility context. Workshops and focus group activities will allow participants to put their knowledge into practice.

Tuesday 7 March at 9.00am, location: Institut für Pathologie (Klinikum Kassel), Mönchebergstraße 41-43, 34125 Kassel (Germany). AiRMOUR Validation Flight at the pathological institute of Kassel.


10 and 13 March 2023
The event language is English.

Friday March at 10.00am to 6.00pm at Place de l’Europe.
This event is targeted for the general public.

Monday 13 March at 10am to 4pm at EUROCONTROL Learning Centre.
This event is targeted for stakeholders.


4 and 6 April 2023
The event language is Finnish and English.

Tuesday 4 April, Flight from Kaivopuisto to Suomenlinna. This event is targeted to residents, medical stakeholders, city stakeholders, aviation stakeholders and press. The use case is a medical emergency drone (Falcon) making an emergency delivery of an epi-pen to a patient, close to Suomenlinna Rescue Station.

Morning session 9.45–13.30, see agenda
This event is targeted to medical, city and aviation stakeholders as well as media.

Afternoon session 14.15–16.30, see agenda
This event is targeted at residents of Helsinki and people who live or work on Suomenlinna.

Thursday 6 April, Demo day on Kansalaistori. Demo day on Kansalaistori in Helsinki centre. This event is targeted to citizens, passers-by, city representatives, medical professionals and press. The delivery drone and passenger drone will be on display on the ground for all to view and experience.

All events include presentations & videos on benefits and challenges of these innovative air mobility services, as well as surveys for attendees on their experiences and opinions.

Event date: 7 Dec 2022 11:00 to 8 Dec 2022 17:00
Venue: EUROCONTROL Aviation Learning Centre, Rue Antoine de Saint Exupéry, 12, L-1432, Luxembourg.

LuxMobility in partnership with EUROCONTOL will hold a two-day masterclass to bring together learners on the AiRMOUR training curriculum and interested stakeholders in a classroom environment to build their knowledge on the topic of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) and how it can support Emergency Medical Service (EMS) operations.

On day one, speakers will present the research they are doing on EMS UAM services. It will focus on the challenges and opportunities in the use of aerial drones and passenger eVTOLs, drawing upon existing use cases and those planned for the near future. The speakers will be from the AiRMOUR project consortium, which includes experts from the medical sector, transport sector, UAM industry and city representatives. After presentations from speakers there will be an interactive panel discussion and Q&A session. Participants will be split into groups and introduced to the first workshop task. This task will involve discussion on concept of operations for UAM flights, identifying stakeholders who need to be engaged to facilitate EMS UAM operations and suggestions on public engagement strategies. The first day will end with each group feeding back their ideas followed by guidance and reflections from the panel of experts.

Day two will focus on each group planning a UAM flight strategy in a city environment. Each group will be assigned a different city with distinct factors to consider in terms of topography, land use and local socio-economics. There will also be ground risk, infrastructure, environmental conditions, capability of end-to-end users etc. to consider.

Each group will be given city maps and an AiRMOUR scenario to focus on, these scenarios are as follows:

  • Transport of a blood sample from one hospital to another using a small unmanned aircraft (sUA);
  • Transport of a defibrillator from a hospital to an ad-hoc location in an emergency using an sUA;
  • Transport of a doctor in a passenger eVTOL from one hospital to another; and,
  • Transport a doctor in a passenger eVTOL to an ad-hoc location in an emergency.

A spokesperson will feedback their group’s proposed flight strategy to the other participants and panel of experts. The panel will provide their feedback to each group afterwards.

After the masterclass there will be a chance for networking.


We recommend that participants watch the recordings of the first AiRMOUR virtual course, to ensure all learners are starting with the same minimum knowledge base.


  • Describe the factors that need to be considered in UAM operations of delivery drones and passenger eVTOLs;
  • Identify which stakeholders should be involved in discussions on the development of UAM in European cities, acknowledging national differences;
  • Explain the steps required to plan a flight strategy for the medical use case you have been assigned to in the second workshop.


This masterclass is for all interested stakeholders including all participants from the first AiRMOUR virtual course.


This masterclass is free of charge.

For further information, please contact:


Lucy Mascarenhas, l.mascarenhas(at)