This online lecture series will facilitate understanding of how EMS UAM operations can be incorporated into cities considering main factors such as, socio-economic impact, public acceptance, perceived risks, noise and visual pollution. It will explain how this new form of mobility could be integrated with existing processes and will present current trials of medical drone deliveries. The course draws upon learnings from the EU funded AiRMOUR project which focuses on Sustainable Urban Mobility for Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

The training is open to all and will be most relevant for city authorities, urban planners, medical operators and aviation professionals. It may also be of interest to those working in the UAM industry who would like to set up a drone service in the future. The course is free and suitable for anyone interested in the topic. The webinar will be recorded, and certificates of completion will be issued.

The training will be given in two parts;

Part 1: One hour online lecture answering the question on the topic of ‘Introduction to perceived UAM risks’ led by LFV, Sweden. And the overview of ‘Noise and visual pollution: tools & concepts’ will be covered by Linköping University, Sweden. Register for free here:

Part 2: One hour online lecture answering the question ’Social acceptability on Urban Air Mobility: assessing public perceptions’ for drone services?’ Exploring the current opinions from different stakeholders using the engagement strategies. Led by LuxMobility, Luxembourg. Register for free here:

The recorded lecture series will later be made available on the AiRMOUR Learning Platform. Registration and sign-up to the course is free.

Module 1 of 2 (Live webinar)

Title: Introduction to UAM risk, noise and visual pollution

  • Topic-1: Introduction to perceived UAM risks (LFV)
  • Topic-2: Noise and visual pollution: tools & concepts (LiU)

Date & time: 26th October (2:00 to 3:00pm CET)

Overview: (Topic -1 Introduction to perceived risks)

In this module, Speaker will explores various models and concepts related to how people perceive risks, both in general and specifically in the context of UAM. Developing strategies to reduce these perceived risks is crucial for introducing UAM into operations.

A particular challenge is understanding how perceived risk is formed, which involves factors like people’s understanding, knowledge, experience, and their enthusiasm for new technology. What we’ve learned so far suggests that the social status and affordability of UAM-related services play a surprisingly significant role compared to actual safety risks in shaping people’s perceptions.

Creating effective risk reduction strategies is not an easy task because it involves addressing biases and fears through targeted information sharing. It also requires promoting the benefits of UAM for the greater good. For instance, survey studies conducted in Helsinki provide examples of how firsthand experiences can influence people’s level of concern regarding UAM.

Overview: (Topic-2 Noise and visual pollution: tools & concepts)

Noise pollution is a distressing sound that may harm the physical or mental activity of humans or animals. Visual pollution is the negative impact an individual may experience by viewing a visual pollutant and its movement, e.g. a UAV or an eVTOL. While noise pollution has both physiological (physically measureable causes and effects) and psychological (subjective) elements, visual pollution is purely psychological.

In this lecture, we will introduce the concepts of noise and visual pollution from UAVs, and explain how these might impact the public opinion of UAM. We will also explain how strategic and tactical planning of UAVs and eVTOLs can be done to minimize the noise and visual pollution, as well as the air and ground risk.   


Palak Panchal- LuxMobility

Palak is co-ordinator for the AIRMOUR training curriculum and is leading public and stakeholder engagement on Urban Air Mobility for the AiRMOUR project. She is working as a Transport consultant at LuxMobility, based in Luxembourg, working on smart and sustainable mobility projects. She has a background in Urban Mobility and previously worked as a transport planner in India, for major transport projects such as designing and socio-environment impact assessment of Metro rail corridor. She also has an experience in supply chain logistics, at ExxonMobil to make Marine Transport Operations more efficient & sustainable in Europe.


Topic-1 Trainer:

Lothar Meyer is in charge of the work package called “Assessment and effective reduction of perceived UAM risks and safety levels.” He has a background as a safety expert and holds a PhD. He works in academia as a lecturer and PhD supervisor. His research centers on practical methods for assessing safety, with a specific focus on how humans perform, the potential for human errors, workload, fatigue, and studying how operators establish situation awareness using eye-tracking technology.

Topic-2 Trainer:

Tobias Andersson Granberg is a professor in Quantitative Logistics at Linköping University in Sweden. He enjoys research and teaching within transportation planning in general, with applications in aviation and emergency response in particular. Recently, he has been trying to combine these two areas studying how UAVs and eVTOLs can be used as efficient tools in emergency response and disaster management.

Module 2 of 2 (Live webinar)

Title: ’Social acceptability on Urban Air Mobility: assessing public perceptions’

Date & time: 3rd November(2:00 to 3:00pm CET)


This Module will discuss about how to engage with citizens on the topic of Urban/Advanced Air Mobility and will provide a brief on the different engagement strategies. It will explore current attitudes of public their main concerns and perceived benefits from Urban Air Mobility and drone technology based on current research from AiRMOUR. In a second part It will provide an overview and identification of various stakeholders to be involved in the local UAM discussions and the development of strategies for effective collaboration to ensure the successful integration of Urban/Advanced air mobility into existing environment.


Palak Panchal- LuxMobility

Palak is co-ordinator for the AIRMOUR training curriculum and is leading public and stakeholder engagement on Urban Air Mobility for the AiRMOUR project. She is working as a Transport consultant at LuxMobility, based in Luxembourg, working on smart and sustainable mobility projects. She has a background in Urban Mobility and previously worked as a transport planner in India, for major transport projects such as designing and socio-environment impact assessment of Metro rail corridor. She also has an experience in supply chain logistics, at ExxonMobil to make Marine Transport Operations more efficient & sustainable in Europe.


Patrick Egmond-LuxMobility 

Patrick is the Managing Director of LuxMobility, a privately owned transport and mobility consultancy based in Luxembourg. He is a transport expert with a specialization in the field of Sustainable mobility and innovation with over 20 years of experience. Patrick has been involved in numerous international projects with a focus on sustainable mobility, digitalization, Urban air mobility and smart city development. Together with EURCONTROL he organised the first Luxembourg Master class on Urban Air Mobility in 2019. He leads the public acceptance and development of engagement strategies within the AIRMOUR project. From last June on he assure the same responsibility in the SESAR JU Safir-Ready project. Noteworthy is also his involvement in the execution of a medical drone delivery service in Senegal.