This online lecture series will set out how Urban Air Mobility could support and complement the existing emergency medical fleet (e.g. helicopters and ambulances). It will explain how this new form of mobility could integrate into existing medical processes and will present current trials of medical drone deliveries. The training will also cover the term ’U-space’ and what this concept means for existing emergency helicopter operations. Regulatory requirements related to different concept of operations (CONOPS) will be explained. The course draws upon learnings from the EU funded AiRMOUR project which focuses on Sustainable Urban Mobility for Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

The training is open to all and will be most relevant for Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operators and medical professionals. It may also be of interest to those working in the UAM industry who would like to set up a medical drone service in the future.

Live webinars

Module 1: What does Urban Air Mobility mean for the Emergency Medical Sector? Exploring the interaction and integration with other emergency medical transport modes. Led by UMCG Ambulancezorg, Netherlands.
Register for free here!

Module 2: What does U-space mean for HEMS operations? Led by EUROCONTROL. It will also set out the regulatory requirements related to different CONOPS. Led by Robots Expert, Finland.
Register for free here!

The recorded lecture series will later be made available on the AiRMOUR Learning Platform.

To catch up on the first training course which was delivered last year and titled ‘Introducing Urban Air Mobility and its potential to support the Emergency Medical Services sector’. Registration and sign-up to the course is free.

Module 1 – Overview

Title: What does Urban Air Mobility mean for the Emergency Medical Sector? Exploring the interaction and integration with other emergency medical transport modes.

Time: Wednesday 24th May 14:00-15:00 CET

This module discusses the value proposition of novel electric aircraft for the (urgent) medical system.  First, ongoing developments within the healthcare system resulting in a need for efficient mobility solutions are explored. The upcoming availability of electric aircraft is then introduced and the different aircraft are structured into 2 types; (piloted) passenger-eVTOLs and unmanned delivery drones. Subsequently, the value case of both aircraft types is explored in greater detail focusing on the problem that is being addressed within the medical system and on the implementation challenges. Additionally, finished/ongoing projects including an estimated implementation timeline are provided. Lastly, an integration framework is presented which facilitates local stakeholders from e.g the medical domain in the process of implementing UAM solutions in the medical system.


Palak Panchal- LuxMobility

Palak is co-ordinator for the AIRMOUR training curriculum and is leading public and stakeholder engagement on Urban Air Mobility for the AiRMOUR project. She is working as a Transport consultant at LuxMobility, based in Luxembourg, working on smart and sustainable mobility projects. She has a background in Urban Mobility and previously worked as a transport planner in India, for major transport projects such as designing and socio-environment impact assessment of Metro rail corridor. She also has an experience in supply chain logistics, at ExxonMobil to make Marine Transport Operations more efficient & sustainable in Europe.


Jannik Krivohlavek – UMCG Ambulancezorg

Jannik is a program manager (related to electric aviation) since 2021 at an ambulance service in the North of the Netherlands called UMCG ambulancezorg. UMCG is affiliated to the University Hospital of Groningen (UMCG) which is the biggest employer in the North of the Netherlands.

Jannik is managing and co-creating input from UMCG on the AiRMOUR project advising and supporting the management for the use of electric aircrafts (drones/eVTOLs) in the healthcare sector. Jannik has experience presenting the concept of UAM to medical sector workers and other key stakeholders. He collaborates with relevant regional organisations and initiatives such as ANWB-MAA (Dutch HEMS operator), ADAC Luftrettung (German HEMS operator) and Medical Drone Service (Dutch initiative focusing on drone hospital logistics).

Jannik has a master’s degree in Technology and Operations Management and wrote his thesis on ‘enhancing emergency blood supply using drones’.

The course certificate

To be awarded a certificate of attendance for this course learners will need to register and attend all two modules. If it is not possible for you to attend all lectures then you can also register for single lectures. The online lectures will be recorded and made available this summer on an online learning platform which we will communicate nearer the time. Learners will be awarded a certificate of completion once they have finished the course.